Misc. Notes
Le recensement de 1880 (Census Place = 7th Ward, Plaquemines, Louisiana) le donne comme Auguste LESSEPS, 26 ans, "Sugar Planter", Single (célibataire), ayant sous son toit un Charles C. ANTONINI, 45 ans, natif de "SPA" (Spain ?), "Clerking" ... ce Charles C. ANTONINI est peut-être apparenté (voire directement le père) avec Charles ANTONINI (o v 1871), qui épouse en 1890 Blanche GENERES, propre nièce d'Auguste LESSEPS !
President of the Augusta Sugar Company.
Epouse une de ses cousines germaines de descendance LESSEPS américaine, comme lui.
De sce RR 08/2001 :
- buried in St. Patrick #2, New Orleans, Louisiana.
De sce Steve ANDERSON (05/2002) :
- education : Trinity H.S. Miss.
Les informations le concernant ont été trouvés par recherche PYL 11/05/2000 sur
http://www.rootsweb.net/, dans un estrait d'article de "Southwest Louisiana Biographical and Historical", édité par William Henry PERRIN en 1891 :
Auguste LESSEPS is a native of Plaquemine parish, born in 1855. He is the son of Auguste and Carmen (RIBAS) LESSEPS, the former is native of New Orleans, the latter of Spain. They were married in New Orleans, where they now reside (1891). Mr. LESSEPS was for forty years a sugar planter in Plaquemine parish, and was for a number of years treasurer of that parish. During the war he was a Union man, but took no active part in the contest. He is a cousin of DeLESSEPS of Panama Canal fame.
Our subject (Auguste LESSEPS junior) was educated in Mississippi, at Trinity High School, Pass Christian, where he remained four years. After leaving school he engaged in sugar planting, at the age of seventeen years? He went to Plaquemine parish, remaining there eight years, when he removed to St. Landry, at which place he resided one year. Then he returned to Plaquemine, and lived there for a period of three years. He married, in 1882, Miss Augusta STORY, a native of St. Bernard parish, and daughter of Clement and Amelia (LESSEPS) STORY. She was reared and educated in New Orleans. Auguste LESSEPS removed from Plaquemine to St. Charles, where he remained a year, when he returned to Plaquemine and there lived two years, when he located in St. Mary parish un December, 1889. There he took a charge of a plantation. He is the father of four children : Hamilton, Marguerite, Edgar and an infant. Our subject and family are members of the Catholic church.
De sce article de journal de 1905, extrait des arcives de Steve ANDERSON (05/2002) :
Joseph Auguste LESSEPS was the son of the late Auguste LESSEPS, on of the largest and best-known planters in ante-bellum times. The former was born in Plaquemines Parish fifty-two years ago. After acquiring his education he entered the sugar plantation business. When 17 years old, he was already skilled in that profession. He was singularly successfull in his early attemps and when quite a young man had charge of the largest plantations in the State. He started out with T.D. MILLER, with whom he remained four years and then went with PAYNE & KENNEDY in the management of the St. Peter Plantation. His next engagement was with J. FERNANDEZ owner of the Alliance Plantation in Plaquemines Parish which position he held for three years.
Leaving Alliance, Mr. LESSEPS associated himself with the Louisiana Plantation, in St. Charles Parish; D. C. McCAN's Promise Land Plantation, Bayou Coula in Iberville Parish; Star Plantation in Avoyelles; Chriswright (Bustis ?) Fukiller Plantation, in St. Mary. He left the latter place to organize the Augusta Planting Company in 1898, and then took charge of the Poplar Grove Plantation, in West Baton Rouge Parish, but he soon returned to the Augusta Planting Company, of which he was President at the time of his death.
Mr. LESSEPS wad related to the famous LESSEPS family of France, the members of which achieved international fame in the engineering work on the Suez Canal and the French Company's ownership of the Panama Canal. Mr. LESSEPS was a member of the Evergreen Lodge of Masons, of Evergreen, Louisiana. He is survived by his widow and seven children. He also leaves a brother, Ferdinand LESSEPS, of the America Sugar Refinery, of this city.
The Interment will be in St. Patrick's Cemetery, No 2.