Misc. Notes
o 03/02/1822 + 23/06/1898 x 23/01/1842
N (Château des Fleurs, St Bernard Parish, Louisiane -Etats-Unis d'Amérique) D (1223, Kerlerec Street, La Nouvelle-Orleans, Louisiane -Etats-Unis d'Amérique) M (La Nouvelle-Orléans, Louisiane -Etats-Unis d'Amérique)
Dates de naissance et décès (+ lieu) sce Randy RICHARDSON 08/2001, qui précise que Pierre Auguste de LESSEPS est décédé au domicile de son gendre (son-in-law) ... sans préciser lequel (peut-être FLEURY, le seul que donne RR 08/2001 ?). Son décès est confirmé sur
ftp.rootsweb.com /PYL 05/2002, + 23/06/1898, 76 ans. (ne pas confondre avec Pierre Augustin Charles ...).
Agé de 59 ans, "planter", au recensement USA de 1880 (sce site Internet des Mormons 12/2003) (Census Place = 1st Ward, St. Bernard, Louisiana). Vivent avec lui sa femme Carmen (LESSEPS), 54 ans, native du Mexique, et 2 enfants célibataires (les autres son tous mariés, voire déjà décédés) : Leocadie LESSEPS, 28 ans et Ferdinand LESSEPS, 24 ans.
Habitait à La Nouvelle-Orléans en 1891.
De sce article de journal issu des archives de Steve ANDERSON (05/2002) :
As a boy, Pierre Auguste LESSEPS attended the Institute of Professor CUVILLER on the Delaronde Plantation, just below where the United States Barracks now (environ 1905, mais peut-être vers 1910) stands. He was afterwards sent across the sea to the University of Strasburgh to receive a liberal education. On returning to his native State, he was destined by his father for commercial pursuits, but preferring the cultivation of the soil, he commenced and continued a long and honorable career in his chosen profession. He married early in his life a lady of Spanish descent, Senorita Carmen RIBAS y ALBARADO, who was the possessor of many charms, both physical, mental and financial. Surrounded in time by a numerous gathering of children and grandchildren, the devoted couple lived together to celebrate the golden anniversary of their wedding. The husband died in 1898, but the bride of nearly seventy years ago only died before last.
He was for forty years a sugar planter in Plaquemine parish and was for a number of years treasurer of that parish (sce "Southwest Louisiana Biographical and Historical, Biographical section", pp.372-373; published in 1891, by the Gulf Publishing Company).
De sce RR 08/2001 :
- il existe pour lui une notice mortuaire (21/06/1898, The Daily Picayune)
- very interesting notice refering to the respect by his slaves.
- inhumé le 24/06/1894, LESSEPS family tomb #1, Saint-Louis, La Nouvelle-Orléans, Louisiane.
- obit in Scrapbook.
De sce Randy RICHARDSON (09/2001), extrait du journal Daily Picayune (23/06/1898) :
DIED. LESSEPS - This morning, June 23rd at 7:30, Pierre Auguste LESSEPS aged76 years ans 4 months.
Friends of his sons, Auguste Jr., and Ferdinand, also of the LESSEPS, RIBAS, ANTONINI, TREME, FERNANDEZ, HOWE, GENERES, FLEURY, LANAM and VILLAVASO families are invited to attend his funeral, which will take place to-morrow morning at 10:30, from the residence of his son-in-law, J.M. VILLAVASO, 1223 Kerlerec street.
De sce Randy RICHARDSON (09/2001), extrait du journal Daily Picayune (24/06/1898) :
Mr LESSEPS funeral.
The funeral of the late P. A. LESSEPS occurred this morning at half past ten o'clock. The last offices for the decensed were largely attended by representative business men of this city, including lawyers, bankers and those who fill prominent positions on the various marts of the Crescent City. Religious services according to the rites of the Roman Church were performed at the late residence of the deceased, and at the grave by the clergy of St. Augustine's Church.
The pall bearers were selected from the grandsons and nephews of the deceased, and the body was followed to the grave by an immense throng of sympathizing friends. Not the least affecting spectacle at the funeral was the genuine grief exhibited by a nimber of coloured people, who came to indicate their deep affection for their old master, the deceased having in the old days when slavery prevalled, owned several hundred of like "chattels", among whom were the sorrowing negroes of this morning. Numerous telegrams and cablegrams were received at Kerlerec Street, containing condolances of friends or relatives unable to be present at the funeral, distinguished members of the LESSEPS family resident in France, cabling their sincere regrets. There were many lovely floral offering sent to the funeral,, the arrangements for which were placed in the care of Bonnet, the downtown undertaker. Mr J. M. VILLAVASO, a son-in-law of the deceased, at whose house Mr LESSEPS died, 1223 Kerlerec street had the conduct of the obsequies placed in his care and he secured the perfection of arrangements under very trying conditions. The inserment took place at the old St. Louis cemetery, in the LESSEPS's family tomb.