George HOWE
°22 Nov 1838, ? Roseville, Ohio, USA or Ross, Ohio, USA
+19 Dec 1890, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
EducationDiplome de medecin en 1861, Nouvelle-Orleans
Misc. Notes
o 22/11/1838 + 19/12/1890
N (Rossville, Ohio -Etas-Unis d'Amérique) M (1- Olympe Marie de LESSEPS le 25/10/1862, d'où au moins 2 filles; 2- Marguerite Henriette LANAUZE de LONGUEVILLE le 02/10/1879, d'où 2 fils et 2 filles)
Fils aîné de Robert HOWE (fils d'Isaac HOWE et de Mary JONES) ép. 01/02/1838 Natchez, Massachussets Elvina DICKS (o 26/01/1815 Columbia, PA + 19/01/1873).
De source RootsWeb (consulté PYL 11/05/2000), extrait de "The Plaquemines Obits for 1865-1898 Plaquemines Parish Louisiana", en particulier "The Empire Parish" newspaper, publised at pointe-à-la-Hache, Louisiana, by F.S. CARO :
Died- Dr. George HOWE, of New Orleans, who at one time, practiced medicine in Pointe-à-la-Hache. Dr. HOWE was loved here and his premature death will be regretted in this Parish. He was one of the best knowned physicians of the 3rd District and one of the city's most public spirited residents. He passed away yesterday. Howe was born 52 years ago at Rossville, Ohio, his birthday occurring ont the 22th of last month. He came to New Orleans when he was quite young and chose medicine as his profession and gratuated in 1861, but was breaking out and he followed the flag of the confederacy, and gave its wounded the benifit of his skill. While he was assitant surgeon at Fort St. Philip and Fort Jackson, he was taken prisoner, but was released and returned to the City. On the 25th of October, 1862, he married Miss Olympe Marie de LESSEPS, eldest daughter of Auguste de LESSEPS, cousin of Ferdinand de LESSEPS, the great French engineer. Two daughters survive the union. His beloved partner died in 1878 and he married Miss Henrietta LANAUZE, daughter of Adolph LANAUZE, a well known merchant in New Orleans who died a few years ago. Two sons and two daugthers besset the marriage. He was one of the best long range shots in the Country, at the time of his death, he was a member of one of the riffle clubs of the 3rd District. Dr. HOWE was also a writer of ability, his last contribution to literature was an article on "The Last Slave Ship". (published 20, December, 1890)
Du second mariage sont issus au moins :
- James HOWE ép. Josephine JOHNALON (fille de M. et Mme John A. HILLERY ?)
- Eva HOWE ép. Joseph Coleman CONERY
°27 Nov 1842, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
+13 Sep 1878, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Marriage25 Oct 1862, ? Roseville, Ohio, USA or Ross, Ohio, USA255